Firewood, Kiln-Dried Logs, Kindling, Free Delivery, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Winchester, Eastleigh, Southampton, Aldershot, Andover, Basingstoke, Portsmouth

Frequently Ask Questions

Quick answers for those common questions

We have carefully put to a quide to help you with the more common question that we have received over the years.

Winchester Logs pride themselves on customer service and hope that you our customers can see that.

If your question or query is not covered below please call 01962 623 948 or 0774 189 337 or contact us via this website.

What species of wood does Winchester Logs supply?

Winchester Logs supply logs from a variety of species. Hardwood logs will consist of English ash, Beech and Oak, the main firewoods

Burning Wood Fuels

Why should I burn logs?

Burning logs is a much more environmentally friendly process than burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil or gas. Using logs or
other wood products as an energy source is an almost carbon neutral process. Although burning logs releases CO2 into the atmosphere, for every
tree that is felled and burnt, another tree is planted and this will absorb CO2 as it grows.

Therefore the net release of CO2 into the atmosphere is zero. Wood fuel is also a sustainable fuel; we can literally grow our
own energy and wood fuel is increasingly used for electricity as well as heat energy in the UK.

Fossil fuel prices will continue to escalate beyond affordable household budgets but if we grow our own renewable fuel we can
control energy prices better too.

Why should I burn Kiln Dried Logs?

Kiln Dried Logs burn hotter than Seasoned Logs as they have a higher calorific value. A kiln dried log has a lower moisture
content, meaning less energy is required to burn off residual moisture, resulting in more energy being converted to heat.

Kiln Dried Logs are much more efficient – The higher temperatures generated by kiln dried logs mean that everything is burnt,
even the gasses released by the wood. In a cooler fire these would simply escape up the chimney. They are also more economical; because they burn
hotter and more efficiently, you use less of them to achieve the same heat output.

Kiln Dried Logs help to prolong the life of your heating appliance – The higher temperatures burn off the water and sap remaining
in the wood, stopping it from building up on the inside of your appliance as tar, which over time, can foul and rust your appliance leading to a
loss of efficiency.

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